Tips for Listening


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Do you have trouble listening to Japanese?

As a Japanese, one of the problems I had when studying English was listening comprehension.😫

But after I tried a certain thing, I started to be able to listen to English little by little.

In this post, I will introduce it.

【POINT】Do not try to understand the content only from the audio.

Are you training your listening comprehension over and over again in the same situation as the test from the practice stage?

Try to remember when you're having a conversation!

Don’t  you judge and understand the speaker's facial expressions, gestures, and the situation together?

【Step1】Watch the videos you want to see!

I like to watch programming commentary videos so I decided to watch the English version of the commentary.

What areas are you interested in?

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【Step2】Watch first with subtitles in the language you want to learn

Adjust the speed until your ear gets used to it.

For me, 0.75x speed was just right.

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【Step3】Understand the content while predicting with already existing knowledge

  • Organize and listen for words you already know or not
  • Predicting unfamiliar words

If you see a word you can't predict……

Read lots of articles on the subject and strengthen your vocabulary!

By continuing this process,

you will gradually learn to listen to and understand the audio alone.

I'm still practicing……

Let's work together!😆