POST link summary on Instagram posted during the trial period


I've collected POSTs that I haven't submitted as a single article, but that You'll want to look back on later.

In descending order by date.

Find Kanji


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Are you able to study Japanese in my diary ?

I write my diary using N5 kanji and sentence patterns.

But I thought of a kanji search game for those who are studying N4 to have fun.

Let’s get to planning!


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Tomorrow is Monday!

A look back at the past two weeks


Set a new outlook for the next two weeks


We're approaching the second half of the month!

Let's get to planning!

Why don’t you all join me to do a diary together?


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I have many friends who want me to pass N5.

I believe that the more you write Japanese by hand, the more you will enjoy it.

I wrote a simple diary entry using N5 kanji as a test.

The sentence patterns taught in N5 are all very common when writing a diary about things that happen in your daily life.

Why don't you all join me to do a diary together? ☺️

Let’s study pronunciation through music!


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Let's study pronunciation through music!

I am not familiar with musicians because I don't usually listen to that much music,

but I got the information that music is a good way to learn English pronunciation,

so I decided to give it a try.

Recommended way:

  1. Listen to the song and get a feel for it.
  2. Translate and understand the content.
  3. Read the lyrics aloud
  4. Be aware of pronunciation changes while listening to the song.

When you hear the word "music,"

it feels like a fun way to learn, but actually do it!

It's very difficult!

The part where words are put together is especially difficult to hear and say.

In English,

I move my tongue around in my mouth in different ways,

but in Japanese, I don't move my tongue as much!

So the more I practice, the more tired my mouth gets.

I really respect everyone who speaks English. !!!! 😭

What kind of wish did Tera-san make?


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Tera-san, who organized a Japanese study support program, seems to have gone to 【神社(じんじゃ)】 in Hokkaido to pay a visit.

Have you ever heard of 【絵馬(えま)】?

If you read the kanji as it is and think about the meaning...

'To draw a picture of a horse?'

you may think.

If you look it up, you will find it at ....

'To write one's wishes on a wooden board and dedicate it to 【神社(じんじゃ)】.'

It is written as follows.

If you look it up more closely, you will find it at ....

'It is believed that 【神様(かみさま)】 comes to the human world on a horse'.

It is written as follows.

Japan is a non-religious country, but there is a religion unique to Japan called 【神道(しんとう)】.

The 【神社(じんじゃ)】 are dedicated to these 【神様(かみさま)】.

Japanese people have a custom of writing their wishes on these wooden boards and displaying them at shrines.

Now, what kind of wish did Tera-san make?

What is the purpose of studying ?


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What is the purpose of studying?

I tried my hand at 書写(しょしゃ:writing hard copy) with a brush-like pen I bought yesterday.

I wrote the part on the left with the balance that I think is correct.

No matter how many times I write, I cannot write well.

So I decided to look at a model.

I found a website where I can enter the word I want to write and it will show me a larger version of the model.

The site is designed so that I can see the left-right balance and the top-bottom balance as well. (I attached this site.)

I looked at the example carefully and tried it out and was able to write well right away.

That is the right part.


What I noticed today:

【Look at the right example and try it.】

Replace it with learning English...

My purpose of studying English is "I want to interact with people from other countries and create something".

So what should I do first?

I think it is to learn natural English.

How to master it?

  1. Practice expressions spoken by native speakers over and over again.
  2. Study vocabulary and grammar while practicing and try to use them.
  3. Ask native speakers for advice if I find something strange.

What do you think of people who are trying to learn Japanese?

If they are similar, please try to incorporate them.

Let's verify it together!

Let’s be conscious of writing letters carefully from time to time


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Let's be conscious of writing letters carefully from time to time.

When you write to remember or to organize your thoughts, it is okay if it is messy, as long as you can read it.

But when you write

When I feel somewhat tired, I take a deep breath and try to write slowly and carefully.

I'm not good at writing with a brush, so I bought a pen that looks like I wrote with a brush.

I'm not sure if I can write well, but I'm sure I'll get better as I try it over and over again.


In Japan, writing with a brush like a model is called "毛筆(もうひつ)" (brush writing).

If you write with a pencil or pen, it is called "硬筆(こうひつ)"(hard brush).

Collectively, they are called [書道(しょどう)] or [書写(しょしゃ)].

[書道(しょどう)] is an art.

[書写(しょしゃ)] means to write according to a model.

Please take a look at my followers list for recommended calligraphers.

You should be able to find some cool characters.

If you have any other recommendations, please let me know.

Tell me what music you find calming to listen to while studying


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Tell me what music you find calming to listen to while studying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A few days ago I started communicating with an American who is about to take the N5 exam.

「What kind of music do you like to listen to her? 」She asked me,

and I said, "The Beatles!!!"

I asked her to share her recommendations on AppleMusic.

I was surprised to see some Japanese artists.

I had never heard of them.

I felt strangely motivated to study English while listening to her recommended songs.

I want to study English more because I want to communicate with her a lot.

Studying is fun.

Just a moment of your time


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Busy!!! These are the days of my life.

But I want to keep studying.

😲Is there any study that I can continue, even if it's just a little?

I thought to myself, surely I can catch the atmosphere by touching it every day.

I didn't have time to open a book, so I decided to start with something I could do on my phone.

【Small goal】

Read and comment on English posts on Twitter.

I don't mind if I make mistakes.

I'm sure they will tell me.

What kind of small goals are you making and working on as a Japanese learner?

Is it natural ?


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What is a natural language?

Japanese often omits the subject.


I tried to convey the same in English.

But I heard that English is more natural without omission.

It is a wonder.

What means Jukugo ?


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I think I am teaching him Japanese, but on the contrary, I sometimes learn Japanese from him.

I have always been bad at writing characters according to your example.

So I decided to look at his study notes carefully.

He can write well balanced Kanji characters which are not in his native language.

I looked at those characters carefully and wrote them in my notebook.

What do you think?

This is the best I can do.

He writes an example for me. He is studying Japanese, so he wrote down English words next to Japanese words.

I study English words by referring to those notes.

It is fun.

KANGI shiritori !


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Today we played KANJI shiritori game.

It was fun.

I am Japanese but I don't remember a lot of meanings like a Japanese dictionary.

I looked them up while playing the game and was once again immersed in the beauty of the Japanese language.

I was also able to study English words to explain.


About this textbook


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"How do we teach Japanese to people from other countries?"

I have taught Japanese to Japanese people before, but I have never taught Japanese to people from overseas.

Even if it is the same Japanese, the way to convey the message is totally different.


I purchased a book that teachers of Japanese read. Using this book, I asked myself, "What are the differences between teaching the Japanese language to Japanese people and teaching Japanese to people overseas?" I will try to study about

This textbook seems to be a textbook that is actually often used in Japanese language schools.

It has been published since 1974. That's more than 10 years before I was born.

Japanese people learn kanji for the first time in elementary school


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Japanese people learn kanji for the first time in elementary school.

I was an elementary school teacher until a few years ago.

I felt that it was boring to just write kanji in class.

I asked a senior teacher, "What tricks do you have for teaching kanji in a fun way?" I asked one of my senior teachers.

I learned from my senior teacher, "You can have fun if you know the origins of kanji.

This kanji dictionary is what I used at that time.

The children seemed to enjoy learning as their senior teacher advised, and even outside of class time, they were reading this kanji dictionary to each other and finding kanji with interesting shapes.

Do you think it will be useful for people overseas to learn kanji as well?

This kanji dictionary contains kanji learned up to the 6th grade of elementary school; N2 is said to be equivalent to the 4th grade of elementary school, so maybe it could be useful.